Here for you...
Happy New Year! Thank you for clicking “stay tuned” on and choosing to receive a monthly update with announcements, news, education, and much more. Below you'll find a new educational article and the latest updates on our list building feature and the ways you can share them.

For your information, we keep an archive of past newsletters if you feel you have missed something. Please let me know if there are specific topics of interest to you, so we can best meet your needs.

This Month...

January marks the start of Poverty Awareness Month, a time to bring to light the struggles faced by millions around the world. As we step into this month, let's commit to not only raising awareness but also fostering empathy and taking concrete actions to alleviate poverty. Whether it's through volunteering, donating, or simply educating ourselves and others about the realities of poverty, every effort counts. Let's unite in the fight against poverty and work towards a future where everyone has the opportunity to thrive. Together, we can make a lasting impact.

"January (in Latin, Ianuarius) is named after Janus, the god of beginnings and transitions in Roman mythology."
A Good Read...
"Communicating with your Loved One who is Experiencing Dementia"
If you’re reading this article, chances are you are close to a loved one who has recently been diagnosed with – or you suspect may have – dementia. While every person experiences dementia differently, there are common symptoms of dementia that can be found in almost everyone who experiences this journey. While your loved one will have moments where they seem like their usual self, there is no cure for any of the known dementias, and the type of dementia your family member or friend is experiencing will not get better over time. Medications can assist in managing symptoms and give your friend or family member a better quality of life, but they won’t reverse the disease..

Did you know?
Create and Share your collaborative lists of resources
We know that when trying to find care or services, multiple family members or friends are involved in the search process. On you can create and share a list of providers and collaborate with others to find senior care and housing options. You care share your personalized list of resources with others by copy and pasting a link, Email or Texting your list directly from the website, or printing the list.
There are two ways to share:
1) Start a search, and then filter by: distance, advanced services, or payer source. You can then share the results with friends and family just by hitting the "Share/Print' button on the search page. No Login required.

2) Once you have searched for resources, you can click on the "heart" to add providers to
"My Lists" by creating a Login. Creating a personalized list allows you to revisit them any time and you can add others to collaborate with you, or to reference and build more resources. You can share the list by text, email or copying the link by clicking "Share/Print".

Are you a Provider and need more support?
Register for our monthly webinar THIS FRIDAY to ask us questions and share your feedback.
CA Webinar: January 12th, 2024 10am PST
RSVP Here to receive the Webinar Link. This webinar focuses on assisting those who are using the site and actively reporting their availability or trying to learn.
Do you have friends or family searching for care?
Use CareAvailability to easily search for care and/or housing options in your area. There are NO fees, and you do not have to provide any personal information to use our search feature. Spread the word!


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