Here for you...
Thank you for clicking “stay tuned” on and choosing to receive a monthly update with announcements, news, education, and much more. Be sure to check out the latest update coming soon - a new questionnaire form to help users narrow down their needs and search for the kind of care most suited to their loved one.

For your information, we keep an archive of past newsletters if you feel you have missed something. Please let us know if there are specific topics of interest to you, so we can best meet your needs.

This Month...
Each November, we take time to honor the rich cultures, traditions, and histories of Native American and Indigenous peoples. This month-long celebration was first proposed in the early 20th century and gained momentum through the efforts of Native American leaders and advocates who sought to acknowledge and celebrate Native heritage. It became official in 1990 when President George H.W. Bush designated November as National Native American Heritage Month.

Other notable celebrations this month include…
  • 11/5 - Election Day
  • 11/11 - Veteran's Day
  • 11/28 - Thanksgiving Day

"November derives from the Latin root “novem” meaning “nine,” because in the Roman calendar there were only 10 months in the year, and November was indeed the ninth month."

A Good Read...
"Senior Living 101 - Understanding Terms, How to Pay for Care, and What Questions to Ask"

Most older adults would choose to stay in their own homes as long as possible, rather than move to a senior housing community. Senior Living can have many benefits, such as increased socialization, better nutrition, health and fitness classes, security and peace of mind. Terms can be confusing and are often misused for different levels of care, for example: Nursing Home and Skilled Nursing Facility are similar, but these are a different care level than Assisted Living or Independent Living. Some terms, such as Care Homes get used more as an “umbrella term”.
What's New?
View the Preview Below of a new Questionairre coming next month to help you determine your housing and care needs...

We wanted to assist users in narrowing down the right care option for their circumstances. By selecting whether you're looking for a community setting or care at home and the necessary support services, we will be able to fast track you to informed and applicable options.


Are you a Provider and need more support?
Register for our next Monthly Support Q&A Helpdesk to ask us questions and share your feedback.
CA Monthly Support Q&A: December 13th, 2024 10am PST
RSVP Here to receive the Webinar Link. This webinar focuses on assisting those who are using the site and actively reporting their availability or trying to learn.
Do you have friends or family searching for care?
Use CareAvailability to easily search for care and/or housing options in your area. There are NO fees, and you do not have to provide any personal information to use our search feature. Spread the word!


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